What Is Special Needs Dentistry?

If you have a special needs child, you will want to find a pediatric dentist in Chandler, AZ that has specialized training for dealing with such conditions. Not having a dentist that understands these needs, could result in a lifetime of dental fear and anxiety for your child. And no one wants that!

What Is Special Needs Dentistry?

This is dentistry that deals with children who have emotional, cognitive, medical, and/or physical disabilities. Different tactics and techniques are needed to help these children understand and accept sometimes uncomfortable dental treatments.

A special needs pediatric dentist will have specialized training. They will also know exactly what to do and what not to do when dealing with these children.

What Are Children with Special Needs?

If you’re not sure what is considered a special needs child, here are a few of the conditions this term refers to.

  • Downs syndrome
  • Physical limitations
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Genetic disorders
  • ADHD
  • Sight or hearing disorders
  • Developmental delays
  • Sensory integration disorder

How to Treat Children with Special Needs

As we mentioned above, a dentist for a special needs child will have specialized training. They use specific techniques and tactics that encourage the cooperative behaviors they need when treating a special needs child.

These are just a few of the training and techniques a special needs pediatric dentist in Chandler, AZ will have.

  • Specialized training for working with special needs children
  • Increased awareness and attention to specific behaviors
  • Care, compassion, patience, and a gentle touch
  • A soothing atmosphere to provide a calming environment

An Alternative Dental Care Option for Special Needs Children

When all of the above isn’t enough to treat a special needs child, many pediatric dentists also offer a sedation option as a last resort.

Looking for a Special Needs Pediatric Dentist in Chandler, AZ?

Special needs dentistry is a must for special needs children. You need a dentist with specialized training. But you also need a dentist who has compassion and understands how to properly relate to such children. If you have a special needs child, please Contact Raya Sunshine Pediatric Dentistry today. We can help!